Monday, April 8, 2024

MACRO Photography- Studio Top 5 images


Find fresh fruit

It’s a good idea to buy your fruit as fresh as possible so that the colours are bright and juicy. Fruit that looks good when cut into slices is perfect. We bought some fresh limes, lemons and an orange. These have some of the best zesty and vibrant colours and so make the ideal macro candidates.
Slice it up

Slice your fruit finely. If the slices of fruit that you are using are too thick they will also be heavier and more likely to sink. We want them to float on top of the water.

Blow bubbles

You’ll need to ask someone to blow bubbles into the water with a straw as you take the shot from above. Alternatively, you could set your camera up on a tripod and use self-timer, enabling you to do this yourself.

Mix them up

Get a pack of sweets and empty it out into a small glass bowl. For the best effect in your images, try to ensure that the different colours are mixed up as much as possible.

Set up a surface

You can’t place water directly onto the sweets, so a transparent surface is required. One half of an empty CD case is the ideal thing to use – all you need to do is rest it over top of the glass bowl.

Place droplets

Simply drip some water droplets onto the CD case, trying to keep your individual water drops separate. It may be best to use glycerin to create more clearly defined droplets. Also think about where you are placing them in order to create the best-looking image. Different-sized drops will produce different effects, so experiment!

Student Work

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