Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Artist of the Week. Anna Atkins


Google Doodle Anna Atkins' 261th Birthday

 Atkins’ Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions (1843-1853) is generally credited as being the first photobook ever published

                                                                                  Portrait from 1861

                                                         A cyanotype of algae by 19th century botanist Anna Atkins

A copy of Anna Atkins' book
Rene' West, Anna Atkin's book, shot at the Metropolitan Museum, 2009

Cyanotype photogram of Wood Horsetail from the 1853 book Cyanotypes of British and Foreign Ferns by Atkins and Dixon

Choose top 2 images  .
 Post to your blog.

Answer the following questions

 1. How’s the composition?

                            2. What do you find interesting  about her work?

                                         3. How is the technical quality 

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