Monday, September 18, 2023

Sepia Photoshop Tutorial

   Choose your image and open in Photoshop

1- Hue/Saturation

Hue/Saturation adjustment layer and lowered the saturation all the way down to -65:

2- Curves

Curves adjustment layer with a slight S-curve to increase contrast by a little bit, while also tapering off blacks and whites a little.

3- Solid Color Adjustment

  • Add a solid color adjustment layer.
  • Choose a taupe color that works well for what you’re trying to achieve. Here I picked R: 208, G: 184, B: 141.
  • Change the blend mode of the adjustment layer to Color. This will keep only the color from that layer, while the luminance is provided by the layers underneath it.
  • Next the opacity level of that layer for the desired effect. Here 60% worked.
Sepia Photoshop tutorial- After

Sepia Photoshop Tutorial- Before

                                               Sepia Photoshop - Before

                               Sepia Photoshop - After

                                           Sepia Photoshop- Before

                                Sepia Photoshop - After

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