Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Artist of the Week- William Henry Fox Talbot


                                                                 William Henry Fox Talbot, by John Moffat, 1864.

View of the Boulevards of Paris

William Henry Fox Talbot British

                                                               The photographic workshop in Reading, 1846

William Henry Fox Talbot (British - An Oak Tree in Winter )

                                           Photomicrograph of insect wings by Talbot using a solar microscope

                                                                    Dandelion seeds (1858 or later)

     Latticed window at Lacock Abbey, August 1835. A positive from what may be the oldest existing camera negative.

Exhibition Credits

Support for the exhibition is generously provided by the William Talbott Hillman Foundation.


The Fruit Sellers was taken in September 1845 at Lacock Abbey in Wiltshire and the shot required the sitters to hold a pose for up to 10 seconds

Half Moon

William Henry Fox TALBOT - Asparagus Foliage, early 1840s

image captionThe collection includes images of botany like this Three Botanical Specimens taken in about 1840

Choose top 2 images  .
 Post to your blog.

Answer the following questions

 1. How’s the composition?

              2. What do you find interesting  about his work?

                  3. How is the technical quality 

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