Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Artist of the Week - Andreas Feininger



View Feininger's photography .Choose top 2 images . Post to your blog.Answer the following questions
1. How is the technical quality? 
2. How’s the composition? 
3. What do you find interesting about his work? 

Monday, April 8, 2024

Weekly Vocabulary


Definition and an image for each term

Macro Photography

Working Distance

Focus Stacking

Reproduction Ratio

Optical Anomalities


Triptych - Your Macro Photos

Use 3 images from Weekly Challenge- Triptych 1

Use 3 images from Studio Challenge- Triptych 2

Label with text. Macro Photography

Color Background. New canvas.

Consider using drop shadow or any blending option on your layers.

Clone Stamp

   After  - clone stamp                                                                                  Before Instructions How to use the ...