Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Cal High Light Painting



Long Exposure/ Light painting


Here are a few contemporary photographers known for their work with light painting:

  1. LAPP-PROThe person behind LAPP-PRO is JanLeonardo and he’s one of the best known light painting photographers right now. His work combines choreographed manipulation of light, performance art, time, and photography.
  2. Hannu HuhtamoHannu Huhtamo is known for his flowers and structures that look as though they could be CGI creations.
  3. Michael Bosanko. Michael Bosanko’s work has a playful, whimsical quality. He uses light to create otherworldly scenes that can include humans, animals, and well-known motifs.

 To get started you will need:

  • A camera with manual or bulb exposure control - to achieve the long shutter speeds necessary.
  • A sturdy tripod or sit your camera on a sturdy surface - the exposure will be measured in seconds so handholding is ruled out
  • A light source - this can be a wireless flash, torch, led tubes, anything that emits a bright light, the more variations in size and colour the better
  • Other useful items - a cable release, extra batteries
  • A dark place or scene - can be indoors or out

How to setup:

  • Decide on your shoot location and place your camera on the tripod or a sturdy surface
  • Switch your camera to manual mode and set your ISO to 100, a small aperture, such as f/11 or higher f number and shutter speed to between 10-30 seconds
  • Fix your white balance depending on your light source, try “incandescent” or “tungsten”
  • Your camera won’t focus in the dark so pre-focus on the area you wish to shoot, switching your lens to manual focus
  • If using a shutter release attach that now, alternatively use the 2 or 10 second timer to prevent camera shake when pressing the shutter

Light Painting


International Light Painting Award 

                                                                    Marcel Fuhrmann - Germany

Frodo Alvarez - Spain

Diliz -Delesvaux Vincent - France

Simon Lopez Fernandez - Spain

Movements in the dark - Germany

Jester lights- France

Tim Gamble - United Kingdom

Gunnar Heilmann - Germany

Light Painting


Artist of the Week-Jan Leonardo 


Choose top 2 images  .
 Post to your blog.

Answer the following questions

 1. How’s the composition?

                            2. What do you find interesting  about his work?

                                 3. How is the technical quality?

Clone Stamp

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